First Impressions of Busan

It took us about 91 minutes walking around Busan to come to a definite conclusion. No way would 91 days be enough to thoroughly explore this city! The beaches, temples, disparate neighborhoods, mountains, street markets, parks… let alone the food. Koreans are known for their work ethic, and I think we’re going to have to follow suit to have any chance of seeing even a fraction of the things Busan offers.
While walking the streets of our new home the first few days, we caught a lot of moments that sum up our initial impressions of the city. Busy, cosmopolitan, fun and filled with tiny dogs that would rather be carried than walked.

Those storefront mannequins are awesome. They look like anime characters. >^-^<
These pictures are amazing; you bring the viewer into the scene with you. So enjoying this!
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Stunning images!The word JUXTAPOSITION is PERFECT for this city .Was amazed at all of the wiring that connects everywhere!Probably goes around the world several times! Enjoying this series!Best Wishes!